Oh, well unless he switched the renderer from the example project I sent him, we should be using the same one.
Yeah. I didn’t switch anything.
I’m using linux, so there might be some rendering differences compared to windows. I’ll do some tests.
I upgraded from 4.2.15 to 4.3.47 to test this out, and graph visualization now works for me (older versions of 4.3 did not work). I’m using 2021.2.9f1 and URP 12.1.4. I tested out both the 2D Renderer and Forward Renderer, and both were able to display grid graphs in the scene view, and also in the game view.
Unrelated to graph visualization, but here’s a note about upgrading to 4.3.47 from older versions: There are now a number of asmdef files, so if your project is using asmdefs then you’ll not only need to add the core Astar asmdef (AstarPathfindingProject.asmdef), but possibly a couple others. I needed to add Drawing/ALINE.asmdef, and PackageTools/PackageTools.asmdef.
I tested Unity 2021.2.9f1 / URP 12.1.4 / A* 4.3.47 as still getting the issue of having to at least switch to the game view first before the grid shows up in the scene view. It is at least now a minor annoyance since it is no longer that the grid only shows while in play mode so it is workable (though it would be nice to figure out why I am seeing this issue).
Actually it is still a little worse than I thought as the grid stops rendering whenever it re-compiles (which is often) and I have to switch back and forth between the game and scene view each time.