Hi Aron
i changed the game from 2D maze game into 3D maze game.
When i add any 3D collider component to the AILerp agent the agent does not interact with another collider objects , and just walk throw it, but the path is work fine.
This is screen shot for the case ;
Yes, that is expected.
The AILerp component is designed the follow the path exactly, it does not care about colliders.
Maybe you should take a look at your graph settings again if paths can end up going through obstacles.
You may want to try some other movement script such as AIPath (and make sure you attach a CharacterController to it, otherwise it will too ignore colliders).
I didn’t like the AIPath script movement, even if i change its setting.
I fond AILerp is the best script that i can use in this maze game.so my question is there any way to mack AILerp interact with another colliders.
No, as I said, the AILerp script was designed to follow the path exactly. If it would interact with colliders that would imply it deviates from the already planned path and it would thus no longer follow the path exactly. You would have to rewrite a large chunk of it to get that behavior.
From your screenshot it looks like the collider that it is intersecting is part of the maze, if that is true, shouldn’t that be accounted for in the graph and thus in the path that it follows?
Hi Aron
Yas you wright.
This problem acually happens when i add smooth modifire , and it solved out just when i remove the modifier component .
The problem appear clearly with the Runner when it intersect with the dengar AI object , so am tring to avoid this for happens.
i know am exhausting you .
As a simple solution you can continually do raycasts a short distance ahead of the unit and if it detects a collider in its path, it can simply disable movement completely. Since other agents will also do this, you will have no collisions and can for example play an animation on the “Danger AI” to attack the Runner.