2.5d game, layered grid path finding

Hi, we are working on a 2.5d isometric game. The levels are grids on the x,y and also z axis. What I mean by that is that some terrain are elevated. It is possible that the same (x,y) position overlap and be accessible to walk on. (Example : If player stands on a bridge, enemy can still walk under the bridge). This is similar to final fantasy tactics. Additionnaly, a unit can only move to a higher or lower tile (z-1 or z+1) if the z difference is exactly 1.
It is basically a 2d game and you can forget the isometric part and see the grid as 3d array or layers of 2d arrays.
Levels are generated at runtime and we want to do the calculations on the arrays themselves to make it as fast as possible.

Would A* Pathfinding project be a good solutions for us and IF yes, where should we start?
Thanks a LOT



Yes, a layered grid graph would be best (it is included in the pro version). It is similar to a grid graph, but it works with overlapping surfaces.

That requires some code to configure the nodes yourself. I think it should not be terribly hard to do however, but start off using regular raycasts to see how it works.