Unity - BaseAIEditor could not be found error

Hello, I have just updated Unity to 2018.2.13f1 and updated Astar but now have 2 errors relating to Astar.

Please see below screenshots.


Would you know how to correct them?



The UnityPackage does not seem to be upgrading things correctly. It seems like it is keeping files at their original locations instead of the new ones. You will be able to fix the error by deleting the AstarPathfindingProject folder and importing the package again.

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Great thank you. I will give it a go and report back.

Hello Aron,

I have deleted and re-imported Astar. When running my game through Unity it seems to work fine but when I compile through Unity cloud build, errors are generated see below:


Thanks, I was having the same issue.


That’s odd. Are you sure you have added the new files that came with the upgrade to version control? I can’t see any other reason for those errors to be logged.