Unity 4.5.1f3 - Error CS1579

Hello. I am new to the forums, but not to the A* Pathfinding Project. I am working on a horror game using the Pathfinding Project, but, recently got an error I cannot fix. The error is coming from a script called “GridGraph.cs”. This is the error I am receiving:

Assets/Programming/Scripts/CSharp/Pathfinding/GridGraph.cs(680,25): error CS1579: foreach statement cannot operate on variables of type Pathfinding.NavGraph' because it does not contain a definition forGetEnumerator’ or is not accessible

This is the code:

foreach (GridGraph gridGraph in script.astarData.FindGraphOfType(typeof(GridGraph)))

I’d greatly appreciate any help I can get on this error. Please and thank you for your time!



That does not look like any code from my package. And the error in that line (I think) is that you are using the FindGraphOfType method, not the FindGraphsOfType method.