Smooth movement and Colliders

  1. How do I make a smooth movement? I do not want to have many turns. My ship could sail in a straight line. Will it be normal if I use more nodes with a smaller size?


  1. How to fix the fact that the ship enters another ship? They begin to shake and rotate. I use RigidBody2D and EdgeCollider2D


Have you tried the different modifiers available?

Like the Funnel & Raycast modifier

Yes, thanks. But what about the second?

Currently I’m using the Funnel and the Raycast modifier combined and I’m getting very smooth and correct paths inside my game!

Using custom movement tho but I’m basically moving through all waypoints

Paths have become better, but, unfortunately, the problem is not solved: the ships stick together

Sorry I totally missed you’re other issue with the ships!

This should help you out :slight_smile:

Is this only for Pro version?

Yes! :slight_smile:

Ok thanks. Deleting this package.

And you think you must come back here just to post “Deleting this package”? Tks for the laugh man, you’re unique!

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