Questions for tactical pathfinding

I am implementing some my AI. I have a couple of questions:

  • Grabbing all grid-graph nodes/waypoints. Is there a way to this. I know I can Get the nearest node in a position.
  • Storing information on the nodes (to implement the tactical ai bit, i would store a weight generated by running functions that determine the best position for an AI to be at).

I found a function to get nodes in bounding box/area.

What about storing information on a node?

Sorry for being a bit late.

Storing information on a node is most easily done by creating a custom node class and modifying the graph generator to use that node class instead of its default.
using Pathfinding; public class MyNode : GridNode { public float myfield; }
//In GridGenerator.cs

public override Node[] CreateNodes (int number) {

MyNode[] tmp = new MyNode[number];
for (int i=0;i<number;i++) {
	tmp[i] = new MyNode ();
	tmp[i].penalty = initialPenalty;
nodes = tmp;
return tmp as Node[];


Or similar for other graph types.

Then you can simply cast every Node object you get to your custom node class and use whatever fields you add to it.