Object "whirlpools" around end point when using bezier smoothing

I’m toying with smoothing the seeker’s path and when using bezier (for a 2D tilemap game), the path is what I want yet when the object reaches the target position, it circles the point a tiny bit, almost like a liquid spinning to a drain. I’ve tried toying with the “end reached distance” thinking it was trying too hard to reach a precise position, but that didn’t seem to help.

I’ve search for something similar on the forums, but haven’t seen a solution.



Which version are you using?
This behavior was improved in the 4.0 update.

I’m using v4, just downloaded it less than two weeks ago.

Try increasing the ‘slowdown distance’ field. If that is very small it might be hard for it to slow down to reach that precise point.
Also. In the current beta it is possible to switch between two behaviors: either the AI can try to reach the precise endpoint of the path or it can stop as soon as it gets within ‘end reached distance’ units from the endpoint. This can be set in the inspector for the AIPath component.