How do you check if a path is possible?

Basically when one of my enemies reach the nearest node to the target, it checks if the distance from the target is equal or less than its attack range; if the condition it’s satisfied, it attacks the target, otherwise it needs to look if there is another possible path to close the gap.

I tried to use PathUtilities.IsPathPossible(node1, node2), but it always return false, because the nodes around my enemies becomes unwalkable as soon as they stop, otherwise they simply walk over one another and bug.
To avoid getting always a false, I need to use a GraphicUpdateObject and do a GraphUpdate to set the nodes walkable again and check if a path is possible; finally if there isn’t a possible path, I need to do another GraphUpdate to set the nodes unwalkable again.
Now all this procedure works only if there are few enemies, if there are even less than a dozen, everything stop working because there are too many GraphUpdate.

Is there any other solution beside PathUtilities.IsPathPossible(node1, node2)? Thanks.


You could use tags instead of making the nodes unwalkable. IsPathPossible will ignore tags (with the default parameters).
On the Seeker component you can set which tags an agent should be able to traverse.