Grid Based Movement


So I’m trying to get this figured out. I originally was moving my characters (without this) through moveposition with Unity’s rigidbody2d, but with this I’m trying to understand how you go about using Teleport properly to do the same type thing. Do you run through the waypoints in path.Vectorpath and then just teleport to the vectors or is that not how your supposed to be able to do this?

Am I understanding properly that you can use Teleport and path.Vectorpath to move/snap the character to node positions vs something like the AILerp that moves inbetween them? Or would I skip Teleport, and directly change the tr.position?

Thanks for any help…


I’m not quite sure what you are asking? Are you trying to write a custom movement script or are you using a built-in one?

I had figured it out, the issue was I accidently had 2 movement scripts on my player I was using to move, just human error.

I ended up using MovePosition and transform.position to move the player after I had figured out the dumb mistake.

I had put in a request to close this question cause it wouldnt let me delete it.