Get the list of Completed or Traversed Nodes

Hi Guys,

I have just started learning & understanding this plugin for our next game. I read the documentation & all classes with their functions, but I couldn’t able to find the method or function which will give the list of nodes the player has traversed.

For example, player will move from point A to B and the path will include the nodes 4,5,6,7 & 8. I am able to find the nodes & their respective positions from the seeker component attached with player prefab. I can get the lists from seeker’s post process callback.

Using the path vector list, I created the line renderer which will give the hint of path player will follow. When the player starts moving, I want to update the line renderer based on the position of player and the destination point B. So if the player has traversed nodes 4,5 & 6, I want to update the line renderer with remaining nodes 7,8 & 9.

I found the list named lastCompletedVectorPath in the Seeker class and make it public to check if it gives the result I wanted but it didn’t.

Can anyone faced this scenario before or can help me with this?

Thank you @aron_granberg for creating this awesome plugin. :slight_smile:


New version has the method called GetRemainingPath in AIPath.cs.

Thank you @aron_granberg

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