Finding way back to grid for recast graph

Hello, I’ve been playing around with the A* Pathfinding Project for a few days now and I’ve been trying to figure out out ways to get all of the behavior I want, but a couple of things have been alluding me a little.

I’m currently testing out switching between using RichAI and RVOController to get steering information, depending on the situation. I’m using a Recast Graph and wondering if I have an AI that is flying (and obviously not being guided by A*) and can’t find its way to the target, could I use something like GetNearest or GetNearestForce to find the closet walkable place they could reconnect to the grid to switch to A*?

I guess, in short, could I take an off grid AI and find a point to navigate to (not using A*) back to the grid so I can switch to using A*?

Also, I’ve seen a couple of posts here on the forum that lead me to believe this isn’t currently possible with this implementation of A*, but is it possible to create a secondary grid on walls for wall climbing? I tried simply rotating the bounds as specified here:

to see if it was maybe that simple, but it did not seem to change the grid at all.


If the agent is flying and therefore ignores all obstacles, the shortest path back to the navmesh is just a straight line to the closest point on the navmesh, is it not? So using would work perfectly well.