Example of Graph Raycasting?

I’d like to see an example of that the Raycast Modifier Component’s “Use Graph Raycasting” option does. I can’t find any documentation on it beyond it saying that it is a Pro feature. I’d be willing to purchase the Pro version if this option does what I need it to do.

Further, what I’m looking to do is to have my seeker’s paths try to find a path to the target point with the least amount of changes in direction. In the screenshot below the Orange Seeker is showing a path to the Green target but it moves through non-traversable nodes. This is utilizing a Raycast Modifier set to Highest quality.

This is the path without any modifiers,

The red line is what I want: to be able to decide if I can reach a path point without crossing the non-traversable nodes.

Will the Use Graph Raycasting do this?


Using graph raycasting will get you the result that you want.
On this page you can find a gif with how it looks: https://arongranberg.com/astar/docs/raycastmodifier.html

Graph raycasting essentially does a raycast that ensures that the path does not go through any unwalkable nodes. In contrast to physics raycasting which ensures it does not go through any colliders.

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