Dynamic obstacles with recast graph?

I like the RVO simulator but I also like DynamicGridObstacle. Unfortunately, RVO isn’t supported with the layered grid graph and DynamicGridObstacle isn’t supported with the recast graph. I need both. The problem with RVO only is that pathfinding doesn’t path around piles of dead bodies, the way it does if I just attached DynamicGridObstacle to each dead body.


The analogue for the DynamicGridObstacle on the recast graph is the NavmeshCut component. I think that should suit your needs.
Also make sure you have a single TileHandlerHelper component in your scene to make sure the NavmeshCut components update the navmesh.

Also. In my local dev version the RVO system supports the layered grid graph (I just implemented that in the last few days).

Thanks for the quick reply. I’ll wait for your layered grid graph version because I actually need layered support too.


The recast graph supports layered environments with no problems.

In my game I have a lot of dynamic obstacles that are moving. I thought it was slow to use the recast graph for this. If it’s just as good then I’d prefer the recast graph because it generates more quickly and my characters are less prone to walk in straight lines.

Navmesh cutting is relatively fast. However navmesh cutting can only subtract a surface from the navmesh, not add anything to it. If you need to add new surface to the navmesh then you need to do a full tile recalculation which is pretty slow.

“Also. In my local dev version the RVO system supports the layered grid graph (I just implemented that in the last few days).”

Is this in I don’t see it in the notes but I want to confirm


It’s not in any released version (beta or normal release) so far.