Built graph disappears after getting out of Play Mode

Hello! If I open RecastExample scene, press Scan, the graph is built. After launching Play Mode, everything works too. But as soon as I exit the Play Mode, the constructed graph disappears and you need to click on Scan again.
If I click on “Create cache” then the graph is built and the graph is created, but when you exit the Play Mode, the constructed graph disappears again. I’ve tried a checkbox “Scan to Awake” but it still works the same. Are there any way to store constructed graph and no need to scan it again?
Thank you!


The package cannot save the whole generated graph in the Unity scene. It is much too large for that and Unity chokes on it. Only the graph settings are serialized.
If you want to quickly scan the graph in the editor to see it visualized, pressing Alt+Ctrl+S (or meta+ctrl+s on mac) will scan the graph.