Astar + Behavior Designer formations not working on terrains

Hello everyone, I’m having an annoying issue with the Astar-Behavior Designer integration, first here’s the original thread on the Opsive forum.

To summarize : the combination of both assets works well on a flat surface, a squad of UCC characters can execute the formation tasks from the integration as expected. However, when using more than 2 characters on an irregular surface like a terrain, the agents adopt the formation around the leader but then the entire team remains immobile - if agents are deleted and their number reduced to 2, the 2 remaining agents do move to the expected destination.
The dev from Opsive suggests that Unity’s NavMesh and Astar do not calculate destinations the same way and that NavMesh sets the destination’s height as the closest vertical point, while Astar uses the leader’s height.

As I said in the original thread, I do not think that anyone who bought these assets together would expect such a limitation, and it’s quite a shame considering the quality of your respective assets.

May I ask you to first make a simple test with a squad of basic agents on a terrain with Astar executing a single formation task, to make sure that the issue is not on my end ? If it isn’t, I hope you’ll be able to provide a fix and thank you for your time either way.