ArgumentOutOfRangeException at PathInterpolator

I’m using Independence inject with pooling at my project.
I just want to know how to reset everything at the AI path …etc once I dispawn my target.
the problem is once I start the game , everything is fine, but once I repeat my level during game play, I suddenly received this error when it try to re-spawn my targets once again.
hope there is any solution for that.

ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range.
Parameter name: index
Pathfinding.Util.PathInterpolator.MoveToSegment (Int32 index, Single fractionAlongSegment) (at Assets/Addons/AstarPathfindingProject/Core/Misc/PathInterpolator.cs:89)
Pathfinding.Util.PathInterpolator.MoveToLocallyClosestPoint (Vector3 point, Boolean allowForwards, Boolean allowBackwards) (at Assets/Addons/AstarPathfindingProject/Core/Misc/PathInterpolator.cs:139)
AIPath.MovementUpdate (Single deltaTime) (at Assets/Addons/AstarPathfindingProject/Core/AI/AIPath.cs:274)
Pathfinding.AIBase.FixedUpdate () (at Assets/Addons/AstarPathfindingProject/Core/AI/AIBase.cs:105)


Do you think you could try the latest beta? It might have a fix for this.
Note that the beta includes some significant changes to the movement scripts so I recommend that you make a backup of your project before upgrading.

I will see if we can update to beta version currently or not, but cant promise.
If you have any more information with regard to this error, plz let me know
