ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range. Parameter name: index error ... please

The error occurs when you enable or disable an object that contains “seeker.cs”. Please tell me how to fix it.

ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range.
Parameter name: index
System.Collections.Generic.List`1[UnityEngine.Vector3].get_Item (Int32 index) (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/mono/build/mcs/class/corlib/System.Collections.Generic/List.cs:633)
Pathfinding.Util.PathInterpolator.MoveToLocallyClosestPoint (Vector3 point, Boolean allowForwards, Boolean allowBackwards) (at Assets/AstarPathfindingProject/Core/Misc/PathInterpolator.cs:129)
AIPath.MovementUpdate (Single deltaTime) (at Assets/AstarPathfindingProject/Core/AI/AIPath.cs:274)
Pathfinding.AIBase.Update () (at Assets/AstarPathfindingProject/Core/AI/AIBase.cs:95)
AI_Mover.Update () (at Assets/02. Script/AI_Mover.cs:77)


Which version are you using?

I think this might be solved in the current beta version. You can try to download it from here:
I recommend that you make a backup of your project first.