Allow RichAI to get out of the navmesh?

The RichAI will never fall outside of the navmesh.

I would like to know if it’s possible to turn OFF this feature for some of my monsters at specific times: I want them to be able to fall down holes while still calling a movement on the navmesh.

while still calling a movement on the navmesh.

What do you mean by this?

I meant to say that I would like to be able to calculate the movement on the navmesh but not be constrained on that navmesh.

What I would like to do is this:
It’s pseudo-code.

bool allowMoveOutsideNavmesh = false;
if (unitIsExplused || unitIsInAir)
allowMoveOutsideNavmesh = true;
richAi.UpdateMovement(allowMoveOutsideNavmesh );

In my game, I have expulsions and I make the character move with his desired movement from the pathfinding using UpdateMovement and then I also add my custom expulsion.

This means that the unit could fall down in a hole because there is not just the pathfinding operating on the final movement.
UpdateMovement gives me a movement that always sets the agent back on the NavMesh instead of giving a movement towards it based on the Agent’s speed. This is useful in some cases, but I would like to not have this be the case at all times.


This is not possible for the RichAI script as it simply cannot navigate outside the navmesh. You can use the AIPath script though. You can toggle ai.constrainInsideGraph to make it be constrained to the navmesh or not.

See also