2D Local avoidance causes "flocking" behaviour

Hi there!
I’m currently trying out the latest beta release that includes RVO movement on the XY axis. Unfortunately, moving my agents using

if (this.currentWalkTarget != targetPosition) {
    this.rvoController.SetTarget(targetPosition, this.MoveSpeed, this.MoveSpeed);

    this.currentWalkTarget = targetPosition;

// Move agent along projected target path, but try
// to avoid other agents during movement.
this.transform.position += this.rvoController.CalculateMovementDelta(Time.deltaTime);

causes some kind of “flocking” behaviour when multiple agents start blocking the path of others. I’m pretty sure this is due to agents attempting to reach their current waypoint, but never (except for the ones closest to the waypoint) reaching it due to overcrowding.

I thought about increasing the min distance to each waypoint in order for the agent to continue to the next waypoint, but maybe there’s another way of doing this correctly. The agent’s path is currently calculated only once, but I’ve been looking for resources as to when and how to recalculate the current path anyway.

I’d be glad for your input on this!
