Why doesn't Recast graph generation support 2D colliders? Is there a way to submit changes if I get it working locally?


I have implemented 2D collider support for the recast graph now. It will be included in the next beta update :slight_smile:

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Thank you very much!

That’s great to see. Thanks a bunch :slight_smile: Would you happen to know the ETA on that?

Actually just another question. Is it possible to specify that only colliders that are children of the graph should be used in its generation? 2D games tend to have a lot of layers stacked on to each other (Tilemaps), so just a volume selection might not always be ideal.


You can filter them by layer. Or if you need even more control, you can attach a RecastMeshObj and specify if it should be included or excluded manually.

Hey! I’ve been waiting for this for so long, and I just scanned the entire changelogs since our current version to see if it was available, so I got very excited to see this here.

We have very big open world levels, and realized like the docs says that 512x512 or bigger grids performance isn’t that good.

We have lots of open areas and just some things here and there, and we hope that this will also fix the problems with some smaller gaps aren’t walkable with astar, due to the grid size being too large.

So I’m really looking forward to testing this. When will the next beta come out to support this?

Also does recast also support erosion? It’s not a critical feature but it was pretty nice to see the AI’s walk in the center of a valley instead of near the edges.

Uh oh, does the beta require Unity 2022.2.10f1 or higher? We’re on Unity 2021.3.27f1.

It does, I’m afraid.

The recast graph will erode the graph using the character’s radius. It does not support the ‘erosion uses tags’ feature, though.

Thanks. We decided to test to upgrade the project to get this feature as we think it will be worth it for performance. Does a new beta come out every 1-2 weeks or so?

It varies. But I plan on releasing the next one within 1-2 weeks.