Upgrading from 4.2.18 to latest beta causes all paths to error

My settings are attached as images. The related code is very simple;

var path = GetComponent<Seeker>().StartPath(start, end);

At this point the error is seen, and I just print it to debug.

I cannot see anything odd. Though your penalties are very large.
Can you see if you can replicate it if you mark all tags as traversable, and reset the initial penalty to 0, as well as the tag penalties to 0?

Yeah, when I first installed the asset I got confused between A* tags & Unity tags (I thought they were the same thing), so put some odd values in whilst figuring it out, I’d quite forgotten about them.

The error is the same with 0 intitial penalty & the seeker updated to all tags walkable & all tag penalities to 0.


I’ve found the problem! If I turn off the ASTAR_GRID_NO_CUSTOM_CONNETIONS optimisation, it works!

Ah! Good catch!
That was indeed a bug. I managed to replicate it and I have written a fix. The fix will be included in the next beta update.
Sorry about all the trouble.

2 days to find, 4 minutes to fix. The classic programmer experience.

No problems at all, thanks for the fix! And the enormous performance updates since 4.2!

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