Hey Aron,
i have another issue with one of your methods. I´m doing an UpdateGraphsNoBlock with a preview version of a Gameobject to build to check if it would block connections between a List of points. The issue is, that it sometimes blocks off a node and set it to be unwalkable (like the method is intended to do) but obviously is not set it back proper.
This happens when at the same time some other pathfinding routines are running, wich are quite heavy on seeker.StartPath and UpdateGraphs(bound) usage.
Since the ClassDoc is telling that UpdateGraphsNoBlock is “All queued graph updates and thread safe callbacks will be flushed during this function.” i assumed that this may cause the problem, even if i would expect it to cause issues with the other routines.
This is my latest attempt to wrap this function:
if (!AstarPath.active.IsAnyGraphUpdatesQueued && !PublicEnums.isTankPathfindingRunning)
notBlocked = GraphUpdateUtilities.UpdateGraphsNoBlock(guo, spawnsAndCores, true);
But this seems to have no effect whatsoever on the issue.
Any Idea what could cause this or what i can try out in addition?