Unity 2D A* Seeker passes through Walls

I followed hobblygobbly tutorial [ http://hobblygobbly.tumblr.com/post/93960257057/how-to-setup-the-a-pathfinding-project-in-a-2d ], the problem is the seeker ai goes through the wall which is supposed to be un-walkable.

Here is the screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/nrX7d9c.png

(I have tried both Ray and sphere collision, but the effect I same, it still passes through wall.) (I have done that “SnapToNode” thing also, made no difference)


BUMP. Anyone? Someone must have had this issue…


Looking at the screenshot the grid is generated correctly and the path is valid, however your movement script is probably configured to follow the path too loosely. Try reducing the pick next waypoint distance, forward look and other relevant parameters (the names depend on what movement script you are using).

Hi, i’m using this script (link not allowed byforum):
h t t p s : / / gist.github.com/hobblygobbly/2d398d165eb99a4ab553

I’m having the same problem, although I’m currently using 3d and following the official “getting started tutorial”.
I’ve set up obstacles so that my Capsule(character) needs to zig zag to get past 2 walls, and he get stuck on the corners.
seems like there should be a way to make the path avoid corners a little further. I’ve turned off “cut corners” and that didn’t help much in my simple example.
My Capsule has a default diameter of 1 (radius = 0.5) but imagine if i had a wider Capsule it would frequently bump corners, and it would also not realize what paths it is too big for. would larger units need a different navigation mesh than smaller units? (like in StarCraft, tanks can’t always walk where the marines can)

I hope I’m overlooking some feature. This tool seems really powerful, I’m looking forward using it more.


Sorry for the late answer.

The paths are generated correctly, however the movement script is following the path too loosely. Try reducing the nextWaypointDistance, then it will follow the path more closely.

Please post a sample code, having no prior A* experience, I do not quite understand what you mean by “loosely followed” (the code I used is from the tut, I have no idea what it does)

Change “Pick Next Waypoint Dist” to 0.01