Units walking in circles around each other

When I give my RVO units the same destination, the units that arrive last start spinning the unit that arrived first (see gif), how can I prevent this, and have them just stop as close to the position as possible?

It seems to happen when the destination is unreachable, and the closest point is occupied by another unit.

In this scenario, I set their destination outside the wall, when they reach the wall and realize they cant go further, this happens:

it looks even worse with more units, I can get 10 units just circling one unit.


Using a slightly lower density threshld (AIPath -> Stop When Destination Is Crowded -> Density Threshold) should solve it I think.

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Looks like it only works when Density Treshold is 0, will that have some other implications?

That seems very strange… Which version of the package are you using?

4.3.29, so its fairly recent but I can see there are some updates. Ill try updating.

So after update, this is the units trying to get to a position they cannot reach, with a 0.1 Density treshold.

After about 30-40 seconds of fighting for a position, 1 unit gets it, and the others start circling him.

Can you check AIPath -> Debug Info -> Is Destination Crowded when that happens?

I cannot replicate this behavior in my test scene.

AI that is moving in circles:

AI that is standing still in middle of circle:

That’s definitely weird. The one in the middle should definitely have Destination Is Crowded set to true…
Would it be possible for you to share a simple example scene that shows this issue?

Solved, aron is adding fix to next update.

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