Unit snap to edge if Rvo obstacle time horizon >0 v4.3.60

my unity ver 2021.3.11 lts
during video u can see that one unit snap to edge. its happen not only on angle surface/ on flat too/ and not always/ as you see units the same but 3 go ok and one not.
if i set rvo obstacle avoidence to 0 all units go good/
and this was in prev beta version too/ i was just lazy to report

dontknow what im doing
but increasing max edge error to 50 in raycast graph settings solved issue
and max border edge length to 1
last unit still slowering little bit but not forever


I think this might be due to a bug in how navmesh obstacles are calculated. There was a bug that could cause random obstacle edges to be created where they shouldn’t be. This will be fixed in the next update. Let me know if you still see if after the next update.

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I’m having an issue with RVO [4.3.60] where I have AIPath objects getting stuck on edges of the grid graph, is this likely related to the bug you mentioned?

@ [aron_granberg] does this sound like a related bug or should I start another thread to try and track down what is going on?

It might very well be.

i still see this issue on latest beta version :slightly_smiling_face:


Do you do any graph updates at runtime?

[quote=“aron_granberg, post:8, topic:13371, full:true”]

Do you do any graph updates at runtime?
[/quote]no its scan at start with default autoscan/

i tried to create scene in new clean project and send you but dont see this issue in it/ but see this in old updated project.
maybe something didnt updated correctly before( i did it with full uninstalling previous version )

so all ok now i will work in new project … if i will catch this again i will let you know