Unable to reach destination

When i was using the grid graph the nodes matched the terrain heights very closely. Now that i’m using the Recast graph the AI misses it’s destination a lot and i think this is when the nav mesh is too far from the terrain:


You can see the patchiness of it above. The gameplay is such that i place the golfers ball on the ground according to the actual terrain height but when navigating they can only get as close as the delta between the nav mesh and the ground and so often they fail.

Is there a recommended approach to dealing with this? Should the nav mesh always be slightly under ground?


These are the helpers i have for checking whether the destination was hit or missed:


After some debugging it appears I frequently get my HasFinishedNavigatingMissedTarget triggering just before my HasFinishedNavigatingHitTarget which seems to indicate that the RichAI is not in fact done when HasFinishedNavigatingMissedTarget is true.

Hi Aron, i’m still seeing this in quite a few scenarios.


The height difference here between the recast mesh and the terrain mesh is enough that the golfer fails to nav.

Any tips?
