Two small issues

I noticed two kinds of small issues:
some scripts have issues with the xml comments, which produces unhelpful IDE tooltips. For example ABPath.FakePath, or, nnconstraint). I’ve stumbled over atleast two more, but i unfortunately don’t remember where.
And the other one is that SimpleSmoothModifier has the [RequireComponent(typeof(Seeker))] attribute, without actually requiring it.
I do manual path requests via AstarPath, and apply modifiers myself. This just adds an unnecessary Seeker.

Also, i’m not sure if this is correct: DistanceMetric ClosestAsSeenFromAboveSoft () - (without parameter) sets the direction to Vector3.positiveInfinity, which i cannot imagine to actually be the natural up direction, as the xml comments imply, it’s a weird inbetween direction.