Tiny Gap But RVO Agent Still Can Get Through


i’m current stuck at RVO part. here it’s my issue:

i want use some obstacles to block the agent, like the Kingdom Rush Footmen Tower

so , what i think it’s create some hero, each one have small RVO Colliders attached.

but you can see the image, even the gap is very tiny , the Agent still can get through.

no matter how big the radius i had set to.

but if put some agent here and set the Locked property to TRUE , then other agent try to avoid it. also

the radius seem work well. but it will trigger an other issue

when some agent near the wall, some of them go throw it (not very crowded situations, only 5~8 agent blocked here)

is this the problem you have mention in the doc?

In very crowded situations, the agents will be able to penetrate the walls. This is because when it is really crowded, there might be a greater force causing the agents to separate then there is a force keeping them from penetrating the walls. This usually doesn’t happen in real game scenarios however.

also , is the radius not working when it try to avoid from RVO Colliders?


Yes, the rvo obstacles are for the agent center, they do not take the radius into account.
And yes, even though I have done my best to prevent it, since the system is based on gradient decent, the edges aren’t actually hard limits, so in some situations they may slip through. You could try tweaking the ‘wall thickness’ setting on the RVO Simulator component (but make sure you download the beta since that setting is broken by mistake in the current release).