Stats on the top left corner of the screen

Screenshot (813)

Hi I have a few questions regarding these statistics on the top left corner.

  1. How do I get rid of them or hide them?
  2. What happens if the Path Number gets VERY VERY LARGE?

regarding the second question, that Path Number goes up because the AI in my game is re-pathing every now and then, so once it calculates a new path, the path number goes up. So if the path number goes up every time a new path is calculated, what happened to the old path? Does the new path just replace the old path, like replacing an array or list with all the new elements?



  1. You can change the options in A* Inspector → Settings → Debug → Path Log Mode.
  2. It will overflow, a cleanup operation will be done, and then the path ids will restart from 1. This is completely fine.