Select destination via map

Hi there, new to A* Pathfinder & need a pointer in the right direction please.

Im building a prototype so am constrained by how much coding I can do for now. The proof of concept has an open world terrain with a popup map that shows the player’s location and other points of interest / destination objects (the map links to the game objects).

I’m looking for a way to enable the user to be able to select a location on the pop up map (mouse or touch screen) and for the A*Pathfinder to then calculate and set the player’s character to that destination.

So the user doesn’t use WASD controls to get to the destination. The user then views their character’s journey as defined by A*Pathfinder.

Any pointers / suggestions are gratefully received. Thank you.

Edit: I see the AIDestinationSetter sets the destination of an AI to the position of a specified object so along with AIPath or RichAI attached to the destination object I’d be a step forward probably. So now I just need to understand how to enable user to choose location on the map instead of clicking the exact location in the scene.


Clicking on a map in the UI is not really something this package is concerned about. I think you will have better luck in some more UI/UX centered forum. Once you have the world coordinate, you can feed it to the AI as you’ve figured out already.

Thanks Aron. I appreciate the response.