Seekers falling through floors, walking through walls, and getting stuck

Hi just started using this asset. I just did a basic grid graph and basic seeker, but it seems like nothing is functioning the way it’s intended. I’m sure I am missing something, but I’m not sure what.

Here is a video with constrain to graph toggled on:

constrain to graph toggled off:

All I want them to do is wander around. So I have a script that has a timer that picks a new destination to move towards on the graph. The graph scan isn’t super accurate either so I’m probably doing something wrong there as well.


here is a screenshot of the recast graph scan

This is just a whitebox of the level so it’s not final assets


Sorry for the late reply, I’ve been sick these last few weeks.

It looks like your AIPath → Pick Next Waypoint distance is set too high. Try reducing it.
Since you are using a recast graph I might also recommend trying the RichAI movement script, since it often has nicer movement on recast graphs.
See Movement scripts - A* Pathfinding Project

no problem!

Ok the RichAi seems to function a lot better for me. Though, they are still falling through the stairs when going up.

What can i change about the graph settings to prevent this?

This is happening in another area as well:

where it’s not following the geometry


The RichAI uses a raycast from its center to position itself on the ground (assuming you have no CharacterController attached). Are the steps high enough that its center will end up below the steps?

So the steps need to be shorter?

How do I make the actual graph not cut through the mesh? especially on that last image?

Most likely not. Do you have a video of this happening?

The recast graph is not designed, nor required, to follow the y coordinate of the ground perfectly. Agents will be able to navigate well anyway. The navmesh is simplified to optimize it for pathfinding.

In the first video it happens to the greenish guy about 10 seconds in.


Ah. Yeah it looks like the step is taller than half the agent’s height. Since the agents use a raycast from their center, it will miss the step and fall through it. I would recommend either making the agents taller (you can just increase the height on the AIPath/RichAI scripts, it doesn’t have to be visually taller), or make the steps more shallow.

gotcha. I will try this.

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