Seeker+FunnelModifier get different result with RichAI when use NavMeshCut

Hi All

my game need show an attack-path before each wave.

and user can use some block to change the path

the block change the path is NavMeshCut

and the guid path is Seeker+FunnelModifier(quality hight)+LineRender

the unit is RichAI + RVO

if no NavMeshCut involved. the path result is always same with unit attack path.

but with NavMeshCut , at some point (not always). the result is different

like below image

the guid path (red dotted line) (seeker + FunnelModifier)

is different with real unit attack path.

so, how can i show the same path?



This is most likely an accidental effect of the graph being modified. Pathfinding on navmesh/recast graphs can sometimes lead to suboptimal paths (see the note at the bottom of this page: Using navmeshes - A* Pathfinding Project), and I think that’s what you are seeing here. The RichAI will try to simplify the path even more while it moves, which is why it can take the faster route anyway.
Good news, though: the pathfinding is much more optimal in the latest beta version. So if you can, I would suggest you try that out :slight_smile:


just for my understand it, the “Bug” is beacuse the NavMeshCut gen some small triangle. so it make it different for seeker search path and RichAI seach. (beacuse RichAI will optimize the path as it’s moving)

so for anyone is concern. i may have a walk around solution (not test it yet.)

  • use a very fast ghost unit to travel the start pos to end pos . and record the path . use that data to generate the line.

not test yet . just a thought.

hope it can help someone.
