RVO + Pathfinding in ECS

Hey there. I’ve been trying to get RVO + Pathfinding working in Morpeh, an ECS. I’ve got pathfinding working but now I’m trying to get RVO working with it. I’ve been scrubbing the forums for any info, but coming up dry on this. I found a mention of the Lightweight RVO example but it doesn’t seem to be up to date. I installed entities but I get a lot of errors when trying to run it. It also doesn’t use pathfinding so that doesn’t seem to give me much insight

Pathfinding is working without RVO. I suspect that because I’m sending all my agents down the same path, RVO is trying to move them off of the path and it’s causing issues. Could you point me in the right direction? I commented out the line for checking remaining path distance for RVO because it doesn’t seem to help.

Here’s the relevant code (I figure you’ll be able to parse it, but if not here’s the docs on Morpeh GitHub - scellecs/morpeh: 🎲 ECS Framework for Unity Game Engine and .Net Platform): hatebin
Here are a few videos of me testing it with increasing numbers of units:
Watch 2024-08-20 14-38-57 | Streamable
Watch 2024-08-20 14-57-02 | Streamable
Watch 2024-08-20 15-19-44 | Streamable

I know you’ve mentioned RVO works best “toward the end of the path” but not sure what to do with that info. Even if I check if the path is on the last waypoint and enable RVO then, I feel like RVO would still try and dodge other units



The FollowerEntity component uses ECS behind the scenes, and has support for RVO.
Some people have made custom baker components for it: Current state and plans for ECS integration? - #41 by Curtis

It definitely shouldn’t be logging errors. Make sure you are using an up to date version of the example scenes.

Thanks for the info, I’ll check it out