RVO make units go around other units clockwise

  • A* version: [5.2.5]
  • Unity version: [2022.3.13f1c1]
  • Recast Graph and Funnel modifiers
    What I’m trying to achieve is a group of units surround a target. I played with AIPath and RVO controller but couldn’t get it right.
    My setup: Units have AIPath, RVO, funnelModifier, AIDestinationSetter and NavmeshCut.
    Destination is set by AIDestinationSetter, the target has NavmeshCut active, units has NavmeshCut inactive. When units get close to target(within attack range), AIPath.canMove and restraint inside graph is set to false, RVO lock is set to true, NavmeshCut is active.
    Behavior: Units do try to surround the target, but all of them tend to surround the targets clockwise, even if they need to walk a full(almost) circle around the target.
    Is this the intended behavior? Can I get some tips on how to setup for RTS group movement?

Here’s a quote from Aron about exactly this :smiley: :smiley: :

Ah thanks. So there is no settings that could it surround a target more naturally?

Not built in no. You’ll have to tweak the existing options to get that behavior, but currently there is no option on agents themselves to “surround equally”, sorry about that.