RVO in XY plane

Hi again,

I’m looking to get RVO operational in the XY plane. I’ve had a look at your RVO classes and I see they are specific to the XZ plane.

If I edit these files so that all references to Z become Y do you feel that will work out okay?

Also, are there any files that exist outside of “AstarPathfindingProject/RVO” that would need editing?

Finally, are there any other considerations?



If you do not use rvo obstacles,you should be able to just edit the rvo controller script to trick the core rvo agent to think that it is moving in the xz plane when it is actually moving in the xy plane. However if you need rvo obstacles, some more edits need to be made.

I’m going to need the obstacles also. What other files will I need to look at?

Hi again, chasing this as I have to have something working by Friday. (We do own a licence if that makes a difference)


You would need to take a look at the RVOObstacle.cs and translate from XY coordinates to XZ coordinates inside the AddObstacleInternal method. At least I think that should work. Though possibly a better way to do it is to modify the GetMatrix method to convert from XY coordinates to XZ coordinates.