RVO agent with ridigbody

I Aron,

I want my enemies to avoid each others, but also to be able to push the enemies by the Player.
The player already have ridigbody and collider, so I suppose that the enemies needs to have also rigidbody component.

So, at the beginning I tried to create 2 enemies, which each have an Seeker, AIPath, RVO Controller, destination setter components + an capsule collider and an 3d Ridigbody component.

The enemies avoid each other, and the player can push the enemies, but the enemies not moving smooth. If I remove the ridigbody component from the enemies and use instead an character controller, then the enemies move smooth.

I did not find an example using the RVO and rigidbody. Or an other way to push the enemies without ridigbody component.

@aron_granberg can you please reply to my question?


I would not recommend using a rigidbody with RVO. What you can do instead is to attach an RVOController to your player. Then you can make it a custom moving obstacle by setting the rvoController.velocity property every frame to whatever velocity your player is moving with.
Since the RVO system will then know about the player, the enemies will be able to avoid it better and be pushed around by it (especially if you use the beta and enable hard collisions on the rvo simulator).