Run two paths to two different locations, compare the distance, and take the faster one

I finally bought the pro version, and I want to implement this feature. Can anyone help out?

public virtual void set_move_wall(Vector3 center, Vector3 pos1, Vector3 pos2)
        attack_target = null;

        should_shoot = false;
        distractable = false;
        attack_mode = false;
        complete = false;
        move_target.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().enabled = show_targets;
        currentWaypoint = 0;
        distraction_target = null;

        move_target.transform.rotation = new Quaternion();
        move_target.transform.position = center;
        Vector3[] endPoints = new Vector3[2];
        endPoints[0] = pos1;
        endPoints[1] = pos2;
        this.gameObject.GetComponent<Pathfinding.Seeker>().StartMultiTargetPath(this.transform.position, endPoints, false, OnPathComplete);
public void OnPathComplete(Path p)
        Debug.Log("Got Callback");

        if (p.error)
            Debug.Log("Ouch, the path returned an error\nError: " + p.errorLog);

        MultiTargetPath mp = p as MultiTargetPath;
        if (mp == null)
            Debug.LogError("The Path was no MultiTargetPath");

        // All paths
        List<Vector3>[] paths = mp.vectorPaths;

        for (int i = 0; i < paths.Length; i++)
            // Plot path i
            List<Vector3> path = paths[i];

            if (path == null)
                Debug.Log("Path number " + i + " could not be found");

            var color = AstarMath.IntToColor(i, 0.5F);
            for (int j = 0; j < path.Count - 1; j++)
                // Plot segment j to j+1 with a nice color got from Pathfinding.AstarMath.IntToColor
                Debug.DrawLine(path[j], path[j + 1], color, 10);

Is what I’m doing right now… where basically I have a wall, inside of a maze, and if the player selects the wall (cursor as position pos), I want to make two perpendicular points a little bit to the left and right (pos1, and pos2), then run to figure out which one is shorter and send the guy there.

I run the same code on 6 different guys simultaneously, who are all grouped relatively close together.

Unfortunately, between 1-3 of the 6, almost without fail, throw a “Path number 0 could not be found” or “Path number 1 could not be found” and it produces no motion for that actor.

I don’t understand at all what is going wrong here.

found the issue. I manually handle pathing becuase I run a bunch of different boid things going on, and the issue was with the “path_complete”, so all I needed to do is add “path_complete = false” to the OnPathComplete callback.

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