RecastGraph runtime scan yields different results as editor scan

Hi. Not sure, if I found a bug. I use a recast graph with object filtering by layer. I set it to include two layers. In addition, one of these layers is set to UnwalkableSurface by LayerModifications. With that, I want to include all objects on both layers to calculate the graph. But the objects in the modifications layer to be not walkable on top of. WHen I scan the graph in the editor, I get the expected result. When I scan during runtime, the second layer (the modified one) is not respected at all; also not in graph scanning itself. The scene is identical in the editor and during playmode, but the results are different; expected to be the same.
The scan during runtime is done by; scanning all graphs, but the recast graph is the only one.

Any hint or help highly appreciated

My settings for the graph

Scan in Editor (mind the excluded and not walkable section (collider) on the right)

Scan during runtime, see the not respected layer settings or collider on the right


Are your objects statically batched, by any chance?

Hi, and thx for taking care.

No, they are not static. It is still a rather basic setup with an fbx imported model w/ collider for both the working and non working objects.


I have not been able to replicate this locally. can you replicate it in any of the example scenes?

Hi, and thanks again. I have to apologize to have bothered u. The sampel scenes worked fine with my settings. After banging my head a few times against all walls in my house, I found, that I accidently altered the bounds to a height of 1. This has somewhat exluded the colliders as not fully in the bounds as it seems. Setting the height to fully include all colliders results in the expected exclusion in the graph.

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