RDG + RFPS Can be work with A* Pathfinding?


I have a question about A* Pathfinding, i use Realistic FPS Prefab for my game and Random Dungeon Generator.
With the last update of RFPS, the IA scipt use Navmesh for moving, i want to now if you’r asset can be works good with RDG (procedural level) and RFPS together ? :sa:

Thank you



Procedural levels are no problem. You should simply call AstarPath.active.Scan() after the level has been generated to recalculate the graphs.

I have not used RDG or RFPS personally however.

Thanks for you’r reply.

Just another question, for my NPC i need to add a script on him ?


You would need some movement script. You can take a look at this page for more information: http://arongranberg.com/astar/docs/getstarted.php

Hi aron_granberg,
i come back for news, i have make the call of “AstarPath.active.Scan()” without problem for RGD :smiley:

But, now i need you for my NPC, because with RichAi script i need to put a “Target” position, i can’t put my player in this slot because if i make this all the NPC of the level move to attack my player just after the start :confused:

So, this is my question :
How i can use the graph of A* and the moving system (if needed) and use the “target” system of RFPS ?

Thank you


I’m sorry, but I have not used RFPS myself, so I am not sure what kind of target system that RFPS has.
But you should be able to assign any transform as the target object.