[QUESTION/BUG] followerEntity.velocity not zero when followerEntity.isStopped is true

Hya, not sure if this is a bug as I can see why this would be intentional,

I stop my agent by setting both isStopped and rvoAgent.locked to true.
I then, in another script check the velocity of the agent to decide what animation to play via followerEntity.velocity.

I noticed I get jiterry idle to walking animation which is caused by very low magnitude changes in the velocity where I expected to get <0,0,0> I get values like <0, -0.0480956249, -5.04543209E-07>

These are very low values and I could check via tolerance, but I thought I’d ask if this is a bug as I assume the agent should not be moving at all when isStopped is set to true


Very tiny values are to some extent expected due to floating point errors. When isStopped is true, the agent tries to slow down as quickly as possible, it does not instantly freeze its position. Also note that gravity is still active even when isStopped is true.

For animations, I would regardless recommend that you use a positive threshold value.