Ported to the new A* pathfinding project version. Getting some strange stuff I didnt see in the previous build

First I’ll show what is going on.

I’m procedurally generating my map. After I’ve generated my map, I called the scan function on a grid graph and this is what I got. Certain grids that at looks walkable from the naked eye as unwalkable nodes.
The only stuff that I changed are

  • turned off ‘Cut Corners’
  • connections: eight -> four
  • Turned off ‘Height testing’ since my game is 2D.
  • Changed threading count to ‘one’

Anyone else came across this problem? Any help will be appreciated!!

BUMP! Anyone???!!
Really stuck here and I have no clue on what might be causing this issue.

Nevermind. I was giving the diameter variable a value of 1. I changed it to like 0.8 and it stopped rendering those boxes.
Problem Solved!!

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