Pathfinding over a moving floor

Hi, I am just dropping by to ask if there is anything in the current version of the package that could help me in my current challenge: I need to implement pathfinding over a moving floor. I mean not using moving platforms, but really over a moving floor, i.e. the floor where NPCs follow the player character is moving (like game-play inside a train or a ship).

Also, any ideas or suggestions will be very much appreciated.



In the pro version there is an example of a recast graph on a moving ship (the example scene is called “Moving”). This is not actually accomplished by moving the graph (because that would be slow) instead the movement script is modified so that when it requests a path, it uses the ship-local coordinates instead of the world coordinates. This will have the effect that even though the ship is moving, the ship-local coordinates will stay the same, and therefore pathfinding will work fine.