Package is too large comparing to the 4.3.84

Screenshot 2024-03-25 at 7.11.12 PM
Checked the history and Found before the 4.3.94 Pro the package size if about 11M, after 4.3.95 the package is very large: 70-90M, I guess it may contain some unnecessary files, can you check and remove them? it takes too long time to download it.


The example scenes have more artwork now, which takes up a lot of space. Unfortunately Unity does not allow me to distribute the example scenes separately.
Btw, the recommended way to install version 5 is to use the unity package manager, not a unitypackage. See Installation Guide - A* Pathfinding Project

I see, I tried downloading it via the Unity Package Manager and failed (I suspect because it exceeded the maximum download time). Would it be possible to use lower resolution artwork to reduce the file size? Personally, I haven’t needed the example code for a long time, so if you could release a new package containing only the runtime code, that would be better for me.

I’ll see if I can optimize the size of some artwork a bit more, but it is unlikely to be possible to reduce it significantly.

Currently, it takes over an hour to download from your website, and Unity Package Manager hasn’t succeeded. If it could be under 50MB, I’ll try again.