On Import, Override Error

Hi, I’m not really very new to Unity, however i use Javascript, and I’m getting errors about “overriding” for each of the “modifying” scripts, and I have no idea what I’m supposed to do! On the old forums, they talk about classes and stuff, of which i have no idea! So I have no clue in as to what to do! I tried deleting all the “override” words from each “public … class” and it just comes up with a bunch more errors!
If by classes it means other scripts, than i searched, and there were no scripts called “monomodifier,” or “modifier,” or “path” (for “path” there were just some that came from the Astar folders, obviously) Any help would be awesomely appreciated! :smiley:


What scripts and functions exactly give the errors?
Usually the cause of this is, as you have found on the old forums, that there is a conflicting class in your project. Not necessarily a monobehaviour though (which would mean there was also a file with that name).

It was all of the modifier scripts, but I fixed it by starting a new project and reimporting all my assets (exactly the same ones as before) and it worked, but thanks for trying to help :slight_smile: