NullReferenceException Error

Hi, Null error happens sometimes, but i don’t know when this happen…

I haven’t seen this error when I use RichAI and AIPath but Entityfollower shows.

MonsterControllerGround.cs:209 is followerEntity.SearchPath();

Thank you.


Would it be possible for you to paste the line that causes the crash in your version? (PathTracer:528)

currentNode = nodes.GetAbsolute(parts[partIndex].startIndex);

Thank you.

Strange. I haven’t seen that before. If you can reliably replicate it, I would be very interested.

It happens still sometimes.
I’m using objectpool and usually most of monsters are moving well… but sometimes some of them rotate(I use updaterotation = false) or show this error without moving.

++ ) I removed "followerEntity.destination = NowTarget… " on first screenshot and I changed “followerEntity.destination” to setDestination(). So I removed SearchPath() and I tested few times and it looks fine until now.


I’ve made some fixes to that code in my dev version. When the next version is released, check if it works better.

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