NodeLink2 + Recast issue

Hello. We have big issues with RecastGraph and NodeLink2.
In our game player can build a lot of buildings and we need navigation inside.
To support that, we are using NodeLink2 and it works as long as… player is not standing nearby the node link.

On the screen

You can see that NPC (marked with gizmo) is able to find a way to node link and further.

However once player is a little bit close to that point, NPC is no longer able to find a way (video below).

What are we doing wrong ?

What i investigated this is related to navmesh cut below player, but i think this is actually really big distance between navmesh cut and nodelink2 start, i’m nut sure why one is affecting each other.
If i disable Navmesh Cut from the player, then it works properly, but i actually need that navmesh cut…


Are you saying that the player itself has a navmesh cut on it? That affects the graph the agent is moving on?

We need that because Local Avoidance is not working good enough with Root Motion, so instead we added navmesh cut to player, so npcs are trying to avoid him.
On screen You can see player on the left site (with navmesh cut).
NPC is marked with Gizmo.

First screen shows that if player is on big distance, NPC can find a way to NodeLink2 fine,
however as i moved player a little bit closer, then NPC is not able to find any possible way to reach NodeLink2 (video) even if that path in my opinion should exists (there is still a lot of space to travel for NPC)

Would you mind enabling A* Inspector → Settings → Graph Coloring = Areas, and check if the color of the off mesh link is the same color as the part of the navmesh the agent is standing on?