Local Avoidance with Photon Fusion2

Hi! I am creating a competitive RTS using Shared Mode in Photon Fusion2 and A* Pathfinding Project Pro 5.0.5.
My opponent’s generated units and my units on the same path collide head-on and do not avoid each other. I want Local Avoidance to work with network generated and locally generated objects.
The players have the same grid graph locally.
How do I resolve this?

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I can’t say that I’m an expert on photon networking. Shared mode sounds like all players have some control?
I’d say that having a single host is likely to be the simplest by far. Local avoidance is not guaranteed to be deterministic across different machine architectures and such, which is usually something you want from an RTS.
There’s no special code for networking in this package, so I think you might get more relevant help on the photon support forum.

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