Local avoidance, when only one AI is moving?

Hi there,

I occasionally have an AI move past other AIs, that currently don’t have a path. Is there a way for me to have the AIs without a destination move aside and let the moving AI pass? I was hoping RVO would help with this automatically, but no. I work in 2D, if that makes a difference.

I’ve attached an image from the RVO 2D examplescene, where I placed some of the AIs along the path and deactivated their AIDestinationSetter, hoping they’d still move away.

Just noticed they also rotate in what looks like a 3D manner to actually try avoiding their fellow AI with a path

Anyone? I thought local avoidance was something that happened automatically. Can someone point me to what to look for in the documentation perhaps?



the stand unit shoud uncheck

  • lock when not moving
  • locked

hope it can help :slight_smile:

Ive tried both checked and unchecked and still nothing happens


Hmm, I think when the agent’s don’t have a path, they may not be able to use local avoidance properly. This is a bug I think.
Do you think you could try assigning their destination to their current position instead or leaving it unset? That might allow you to work around the issue.