Jobs Leak beta 4.3.73

2022 LTS
i dont know is it bad. cos its white warning. but it shows 9 leacks each time i start scene with only raycast graph -no units or anything else

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I have also encountered this problem.


I have fixed the issue in my dev version now. The fix will be included in the next beta update.

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i try fix it

still 2 leacks 2022.3.2 LTS astar 4.3.76/ when use just plane and raycast graph. hit play and it shows warnings


I cannot replicate this Iā€™m afraid :confused:

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Others leacks are gone after some Lts updates. still shows one with rvo in scene and raycast/ it shows on second hit play for me not first. or maybe its unity side and just need wait they fix something

Thank you! I have managed to replicate this and implemented a fix. It will be included in the next beta version update.

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